Capability mastery

The Capability Mastery quadrant describes the behavioural characteristics of individuals within an organisational setting.

If you are a theorist, you will be thinking Skinner, Watson, Locke, Thorndike, Pavlov and many more.

In this quadrant we are seeking answers to critical questions including:

  • What capabilities do individuals within our organisation need to deliver on accountabilities?

  • How do we ensure these capabilities are optimally developed to deliver organisational outcomes?

  • What behaviours are required to align performance with our values and strategic intent?

  • How do we develop the capability of our people to reflect the needs described in our competency framework?

  • What skills (eg problem solving, team effectiveness, customer service, task assignment), skills do we need to develop and how will we do this?

  • How do we increase individual thinking and listening skills for collaborative behaviour?

Traditionally the Capability quadrant is the first and primary area of organisational development activities. Programs targeted to this quadrant set the behavioural tone of your organisational development effort, due to its focus on competence and behaviourally based outcomes. However, behaviourally based programs deliver sub optimal results unless integrated more effectively across all quadrants of the Integral Framework.

Our approach to individual development in the upper right quadrant of Capability, necessitates development in the Perspective (upper left) quadrant, in order for the behavioural change to be effective and, more importantly, sustainable over time.  Further to this, effective development in the Capability quadrant provides leaders with a pathway for the acquisition of a range of skills and capabilities that support the Ascension in the other quadrants of Culture and Systems (lower left and lower right quadrants respectively) in the Integral Framework. Whilst the development pathway for the individual in the Perspective quadrant relates to growth in internal perspective, worldview and thinking capacity; growth in the Capability quadrant relates to the development of capability and behavioural skills that we can see and easily measure.

Cornerstone’s Ascension Architecture also provides individuals with the pathway for leadership development and the competencies required at each level of development. Each level of development aligns to each of the Ascension levels in the other three quadrants. Thus Cornerstone can build a tailor-made capability framework that meets the needs of the client organisation.

The Capability quadrant (see graphic below) in our Ascension Architecture shows the stages of capability acquisition.

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In the Capability Mastery quadrant we offer the following behaviourally based solutions:


Various interpersonal and leadership instruments including Human Synergistics, Belbin, DISC, Myers Briggs, 360 degree surveys and other diagnostics.

Skills Development.

  • Interpersonal Skills

    • Interpersonal skills development (including active listening, giving and receiving feedback and conflict resolution).

    • Problem solving.

    • Time management.

    • Goal setting.

    • Coaching to improve workplace relationships.

    • Negotiation skills.

    • Influencing and persuasion.

  • Team Work

    • Team diagnostics.

    • Team work skills and building successful teams.

    • Project team formation and facilitation.

    • Work team formation and facilitation.

  • Leadership

    • Leadership coaching.

    • Task assignment and performance feedback.

    • Leadership program design and delivery.

    • Performance coaching.

    • Dispute resolution.

  • Capability Frameworks.

    • Design and development of Capability Frameworks.

    • Linking existing frameworks to Human Resources enablers.

Cornerstone Integral Leadership Mastery program. This series of programs provides leaders at all levels with the skills and capabilities to deliver better behavioural outcomes and thus build capability mastery which is a critical element for organisational mastery. Tell me more...

Based on the needs of our clients, our programs, solutions and interventions, can deliver the following outcomes:

  • Identification of specific capabilities required to deliver accountabilities.

  • Increased individual and team member capability by applying optimal learning solutions.

  • Behaviour based solutions aligned to your organisation values, strategic intent and competency framework.

  • Tailored solutions designed to respond to your specific skill needs.

  • Enhanced interpersonal effectiveness, problem solving, teamwork and leadership capability.

  • Effective negotiating and influencing skills.

  • Alignment with your Culture, Performance Management, Talent Development and Talent Management programs.

For more information please contact us.