We're not in good shape


We're not in good shape

If you agree with this statement, or even partially agree that your organisation, your division, your function or your team is not in good shape, or in good enough shape, please spend a minute to read this article.


The Soft Skills Are Really Hard


The Soft Skills Are Really Hard

One of the most misused terms in organisations when referring to the development of people is “soft skills”. We have often wondered what people assume when they use this term. 


"Not Another Bloody System!" - Of Course, They Are Necessary - Part 2

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"Not Another Bloody System!" - Of Course, They Are Necessary - Part 2

Collaboration, resilience and vertical development have become part of the OD jargon in recent times, yet we all struggle to agree on what each truly means and so how to effectively operationalise them for both individual and organisation benefit.

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“Not Another Bloody System!”  - Part 1


“Not Another Bloody System!” - Part 1

How many times have we heard this? Given that our daily routines are systems we often overlook how important they are to daily lives often only noticing them when they don’t work or cause us frustration.


The gift you can give to those most in need of your wisdom and leadership


The gift you can give to those most in need of your wisdom and leadership

Over the course of the past year, you may have noticed that students, teenagers and other young adults, have escalated their concerns about the quality of decisions being made by the current generation of leaders.


So just what does culture eat for breakfast?


So just what does culture eat for breakfast?

As Peter Drucker is famously quoted: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” and like all terrific definitive statements, concepts, models and theories, we at Cornerstone agree as well as holding to the ‘truth’ that all things are only partially true. 


Being Clear, Right up Front


Being Clear, Right up Front

Let us be clear right up front, we here at Cornerstone Integral are not academics. However, we are smart, intelligent thinkers who can take the latest academic research and convert it into cutting edge practical applications. How do we do that? Through the application of what is one of the most profound and comprehensive sense making models to emerge in this post-modern world, the Integral Frame.


How do you rate the capability of Australian Prime Ministers, past and present?


How do you rate the capability of Australian Prime Ministers, past and present?

This is the most recent of a series of articles by Dr Dawson from Lectica, on the complexity of national leaders’ thinking. This article will make more sense if you begin or refamiliarise your selfwith the first article in the series which was released last year.


The complexity of leaders’ thinking

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The complexity of leaders’ thinking

At Cornerstone Integral we pay attention to the world’s best research on building and assessing leadership capability and have been intrigued by the ground breaking work of Dr Theo Dawson and her colleagues at Lectica.

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Why doesn’t Collaborative Leadership work?


Why doesn’t Collaborative Leadership work?

"Unfortunately, there still exists a mindset in many leaders that they need to lead from the front, having all the answers and being the font of all information and besides ‘collaboration’ takes too much time in this busy world."
